Friday, April 23, 2010

Week two

Well, what can I say about Zamzar? But it is great. I actually used it today for real! I had a pdf file emailed to me and it was a form I had to fill in. At first I printed the form out then I wrote on it in pen but it looked scruffy, and then guess what? Lesson two, Zamzar! So like most things on the net, it takes me a bit longer than others to figure out what I am doing, but i did it! (with a little help from my friends.) I wanted to convert the form to a docs document that I could type into, so I had to send it to an email address. Ok so first attempt I put in my work email and ooops! tried to download it and found it was blocked. (I probably did something wrong there too when trying to open it). Second attempt sent it to my gmail address and managed to download it ok. After that I completed the form and emailed it back to the sender and lesson two, done!
I will use this again, as long as I remember it. I will try to remember it, as I think it is great, and best of all, it is free!
I am sure the customers will find it very useful, we often get customers asking about converting files and things like that. As long as they have an email address they can send it to.

1 comment:

tosca said...

YAY congratulations on completing week 2 activity Zamzar! I use it a lot at work for doing much what you were trying to do. Am glad to hear this is something we can promote to users :) Am looking forward to your next post!