Friday, September 24, 2010

Week 2 - Picapp

Well this looks like quite an interesting site, you could spend ages searching for pictures that you liked for different things. Personally I like the animal pics best. I found one I liked to use for my blog.
This could be a good site to recommend to the customers but I am not sure what they would use them for, but if kids are doing homework or projects the images might be really useful.
Well I have just spent ages trying to get the photo to load, i copy and pasted the embedded code but it just kept telliing me that it was an invalid code. I will try again but I might give up if it doesn't work

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Web 2.0 round 2. week one

Well here we go again.
I am off to a slow start this time round, not sure why but making a start now.
I have had a look at and watched the tutorial video. I haven't made an account yet but will do that in the next day or so. We seem to be making a lot of accounts during the process of web 2ing. What will happen to all these accounts, i wonder? Will they just stay out there in cyber space? Do we have to retrace our steps and delete all the accounts we no longer require? I think that's what I will be doing.
Well, I gave it a go but I prefer to save anything I need on either or email it to myself. I wasn't keen on Oh well, on to week 2 .............