Now I have completed my Web 2 learning it is time to reflect on what I have learnt.
Some of it is very useful for me and I am sure that I will be using some of it at a later date but some I found quite confusing. Not being a person who finds these technical things second nature, I needed help with a few of the steps along the way.
The RSS feeds, for example, was completely foreign and I didn't really understand it.
It was hard to get into some of the sites from our staff PC's which meant having to use the learn-net and to be honest, I find that if I am at a strange computer and not in my own surroundings, then it makes it even harder to concentrate and understand.
The social networking and You tube were the best part of the whole experience, but soon I suppose it will all be obsolete anyway. Then we will be on to Web 3!
Boujee Brandy Snaps
4 months ago