Friday, September 24, 2010

Week 2 - Picapp

Well this looks like quite an interesting site, you could spend ages searching for pictures that you liked for different things. Personally I like the animal pics best. I found one I liked to use for my blog.
This could be a good site to recommend to the customers but I am not sure what they would use them for, but if kids are doing homework or projects the images might be really useful.
Well I have just spent ages trying to get the photo to load, i copy and pasted the embedded code but it just kept telliing me that it was an invalid code. I will try again but I might give up if it doesn't work

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Web 2.0 round 2. week one

Well here we go again.
I am off to a slow start this time round, not sure why but making a start now.
I have had a look at and watched the tutorial video. I haven't made an account yet but will do that in the next day or so. We seem to be making a lot of accounts during the process of web 2ing. What will happen to all these accounts, i wonder? Will they just stay out there in cyber space? Do we have to retrace our steps and delete all the accounts we no longer require? I think that's what I will be doing.
Well, I gave it a go but I prefer to save anything I need on either or email it to myself. I wasn't keen on Oh well, on to week 2 .............

Friday, May 21, 2010

The final summing up

Now that I have completed the six tasks I can comment on the whole experience. I have to say that this time round I found it much more pleasant and enjoyable than I did that last time we launched into web 2. I am not sure if the tasks were simpler, or the explanations were better than last time or whether I am a bit more confident with computers now, but whatever the reason, it seemed much more straight forward and logical this time.
I would also like to thank Catatonia for all your helpful comments and I will follow up with some. I am especially grateful for the link on week six.
It has been a journey of growth, and I know there is still a lot to learn but each time I learn something new it adds to the knowledge I have already gained. At this rate I should be a genius by the time I retire, well maybe not, there will always be more out there to baffle me. Just as I think I am gaining ground there are more things invented or thought up to keep me on my toes. But I am keen to keep learning and keep on keeping on.
I would like to finish this session of web 2.0 with one of my favourite sayings, by Émile Coué de Châtaigneraie -
Every day in every way I am getting better and better.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Week six Facebook

So here I am at week 6 and Facebook. I have had a Facebook page since we last did Web 2 training. I set up my page at that time, but didn't use it for quite a while. Once I got the hang of it and started adding friends, I began looking at people's profiles, photos, sending messages and writing on people's walls! I was hooked for a while, but I wasn't interested in playing Farmville or the other games on there. Anyway, finding myself getting bored with it, I decided it was time to cancel my Facebook page. It was then I found out you can deactivate your account but not delete it! Unless someone can tell me how to delete an account?
A couple of weeks later Web 2.0 came along and guess what? Week 6 was about Facebook. I was able to log back into my Facebook page and reactivate the account and add my name to the Manukau Libraries page.
I added my recent book to the discussion board, as required. I have only reactivated my Facebook page temporarily while we are doing Web 2.0.
However, it is a good way to keep in contact with people or to find old aquaintances and it is quite easy to use. Once you browse through it and find out about all the applications it can be fun for a while, but I probably won't be keeping my page going after this has finished. Lots of people using the Learn-net have Facebook pages and they seem to be able to use it quite easily.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Week five MP3 and music downloads

Ok well this one had me a bit confused. This discovery exercise was one I thought I would really enjoy, but I didn't really. I looked at some of the sites briefly but couldn't make head nor tail of them. So I made a log in for one of the sites that I thought looked quite user friendly. But alas, it was not to be. I am still a newby to these sites and the songs that were coming up were completely foreign to me. So I tried to do a search and look for ABBA (everyone knows ABBA) so that should be an easy search, right? Wrong! I couldn't find any ABBA songs. I couldn't find anything I knew, so I decided that was BORING and gave it a miss. At the moment I am not likely to want to download any music anyway and if customers want to download music from the internet then maybe we will have to work through it together. There is still such a lot to learn, but I am getting there slowly. I might have another try again with another of the recommended sites. Maybe the songs I like are too old now, I was a teen in the 70's when the music was great! Most of my favourite songs and artists are from that era.
Anyway moving right along with Web2.0 ........

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Week Four GoodReads

I found this a rather interesting site. I signed in and added some of the books I have read over the last couple of years. It is a good way to keep track of what you have been reading. I didn't write a review on any of them though. I think the site is quite good and it will take me a bit of time to work my way around it. It is quite a good one to recommend to customers, but whether I will or not remains to be seen. As I become more familiar with the site I am more likely to recommend it.
One of my all time favourite sites for looking for books is the one recommended at best sellers training called I think it's great!

Friday, April 30, 2010

My friend Indy

Zoey says, "It is annoying when my friends want to play with my toys. I don't know how Indy thinks she is going to pick up a tennis ball! She doesn't chase it very well either. She is not as fast as a labrador retriever!"